We are very excited to (finally) be helping a very special local musician, famous and prolific amongst our Open Mic Community - Graham McGregor take some steps towards recording some of his 'classics'.
Graham has been involved in the New-Zealand Music Scene as a performer and observer for over sixty years. He has run several concerts and clubs during that time.
It is not un-usual to see Graham out and about at music and art events, and especially Open Mics 5 nights a week!
We love Graham. His ol’ style music and cheeky humour, his encouragement to fellow performers, energy (like no other, he is a champ) and of course... dance moves.
Ema Barton is our project leader with special thanks to Dr Grant Hewison for his support.
PHASE 1: Solo Songs and Demos.
We had a great session @ Parachute Studios, whipping out plenty of songs and basically just documenting a good portion of the classics Graham loves to play. Just acoustic with Graham and his 12 string or 6 string guitar, with some cheeky BV's from Ema. We captured over 25 gems, and plan on choosing around 12 songs to flesh out with a band for an ALBUM.
Special thanks to Jeremy and Parachute Studios in Kingsland for hosting us, and to Sound Engineer: Christian Tjandrawinata for your work.
So excited! #parachutestudios #grahammcgregor #recordingartist #localhero
We are very happy to have started Pre Production on Graham's album. Ema and Graham are meeting regularly, to keep working on things, from choosing and refining songs, booking band rehearsals, studio time, organising artwork, PR, album release etc etc.
We are booked in to record a live album with his folk band in mid July @DepotSound in Devonport and will be working with well seasoned Head Sound Engineer Neil Baldock.
So #watchthisspace. We will keep you posted on Graham's recording journey and look forward to finally sharing an Album, followed by a live concert to celebrate. And what a time to be creating. Word on the street it's a certain someone's 80th birthday this year. It just goes to show, it is never too late to be living the dream.

By Ema Barton.